San Diego's progressive, down-to-earth
Reconstructionist community, welcoming all,
including LGBTQ+ and interfaith families
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Where Did You Miss the Mark This Year?
Al chet sh'hatanu l'faneikha...
or the sins that we committed by...
Every year at
Yom Kippur
we seek at-one-ment with ourselves, the people we love, and God, but we're not always prepared to acknowledge the things we screwed up, the people we hurt, words, we said wrong or situations we've otherwise botched. Here is your opportunity to do some anonymous soul searching, and help our community collectively reflect on the people we've been and the people we want to be.
Rabbi Yael will collect the submissions and create a Communal
Al Chet
to be read
Yom Kippur
Please do not mention specific names, just what you feel bad about, both personally and as a member of the Jewish people (or someone who identifies with the Jewish people, even if you're not Jewish).
Your submission is anonymous.
We sin against You when we sin against ourselves and each other, for our failures, O God, we ask forgiveness for...
We sin against You when we sin against ourselves and each other, for our failures of truth, we ask forgiveness for...
We sin against You when we sin against ourselves and each other, for our failures of love, O God, we ask forgiveness for...